Nine Rising

Nine Rising is a consulting agency that supports businesses in authentically prioritizing equity and ethics within their organization. Our focus is enrolling your team and infrastructure in ethical and sustainable shifts, that align with true diversity and equity for all humans to thrive.

We work with government, large for-profits, non-profit organizations, public figures, small businesses, and schools.

Is this your entry point into equity work? No problem for us, we are here to meet you with where you are at. This work has never been a “one size fits all” approach and we value the authenticity of your impact within our communities.

Behind the name

Do you know how hard it is to name a company? We thought a while on this one. The first person we told our name to said it sounded like a superhero league, don’t know if that’s good or bad. But what we do know is we thought of all the qualities of humanity that we wanted to rise for everyone to thrive at being themselves. We wanted compassion, empathy, justice, and people who were committed to doing the work. Most of all, we wanted Nine Rising to be a company that stood for the unaltered intentions and actions of showing up for your people, and knowing that everyone is your people… Because that’s where it’s at.

After lengthy looks for a word to encapsulate all that, there just wasn’t. Thanks to Google, we found out a lot about numbers and numerology, and nine really held it down for us in representing what we’re about… Want to find out more? Google that number 9! Or follow this link.

I founded Nine Rising in 2016. While working within social services, government, non-profit, and tech — it was hard not to notice the ways our society sets folks up to fail and conform for survival. Nine Rising was created to directly address the systemic inequities that exist as barriers for all humans to thrive. As a big believer in loving your community hard, I see it as necessary for that love to be actionable in showing up for your community. It’s never been a ‘thoughts and prayers’ kind of vibe. Unless our society is dismantling and creating new collaborative and transformative supports for the most systemically marginalized community members, then we are not doing the big work. I believe contrary to the outdated narrative that only social/community services and non-profit organizations should be responsible for supporting an equitable community, that it is on everyone. It is absolutely the ethical responsibility of the entire community, especially corporations and government agencies to assess their complicity in oppression and commit to better learning and evolved action to actuate a society where all humans have access to thrive.

I work with some of the most deeply entrenched institutions in systemic oppression to address head-on their equity gaps. Beyond this work, it is my personal responsibility to never negate personal front lines and grassroots efforts in community care. This is why I commit my free time to increase efforts in accompliceship with folks who are unhoused and community members who use substances. My efforts are focused in mutual aid connecting through community care, outreach, community education focused in trauma-informed care, transformative justice, harm reduction, and sexual health education. Additionally, I participate in the advisory group for my local LGBT2QIA+ organization. I am happy to support those who need an accomplice in equity, and will do anything I can to help elevate and connect the voices in my community. So if you need me, I got your back.

As a person who is white and non-disabled, every single day is a conscious commitment to action of dismantling how I currently and ancestrally within my identity impact marginalized communities by being of privilege and profitability from a broken and oppressive system. The priority of my life is contributing to transformative justice towards equity, with a promise to action and impact over intention. 

Yours in accompliceship, 


Interested in working with us?

Book a Free 15 Minute Consultation

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